Southbound First Convoy

Southbound First Convoy (N1):

Starts from 0000 hrs to 0500 hrs and consists of 3 groups of

One) Group A: Vessels in Port Said Harbour.
Two) Group B: Vessels anchored in the Northern Anchorage Area
consisting of 4th Generation Containerships, 3rd Generation
Containerships, VLCC’s in ballast over 42 feet draught,
L.P.G., L.N.G., N.G.F. vessels
in ballast or loaded and
LASH over 35.000 SC.G.T. This group will be headed by

(1) L.P.G., L.N.G., N.G.F. vessels may join group A.

the Containerships and the first vessel will enter through Port Said East
Approach channel in due time to join Group A at km. 17.

Three) Group C: Vessels anchored in Southern Anchorage Area
will enter through Port Said West channel in due time to join
Group B at km. 17.

(2) This convoy has a free run to the Bitter Lakes, passes through the
East branch of Ballah by-pass, the East channel of Lake Timsah,
the Deversoir West
channel and anchors in the Western Anchorages
in Bitter Lakes.

(3) The sequence of continue route from the Bitter Lakes will be
Warships, L.P.G., L.N.G. vessels, the 4th Generation Containerships,
3rd Generation Containerships over 40.000 SC.G. and LASH over
35.000 SC. G.T. followed by VLCC’s in ballast and then other vessels.
The first ship of the Southbound convoy will regulate speed to cross
the last Northbound vessel abeam of Kabrit station.

Southbound Second Convoy (N2):

(1) Starts from 0630 hrs to 0900 hrs. The forming and depth of this
convoy is subject to situation of traffic and limit time.

(2) 3rd & 4th Generation Container ships with more than one propeller
astern shall be ahead of this convoy to anchor at Temsah
Lake (maximum two vessels).

(3) Vessels will make fast in Ballah west Brach
, and continue route after the last Northbound vessel clears km. 61.

(1) Except for vessels with draught of more than 42 feet will pass through East channel.
(2) Maximum capacity 15 vessels according to the NR. of berths at Ballah Loop.

(4) Dimension of vessels that can make fast at Ballah West Branch
should not exceed those indicated in the following table, excluding
Tankers over 90000 Tones SC.G.T.
(5) Vessels not allowed to join this convoy are the following:

One) Loaded Tankers (or Bulk carriers) carrying Petroleum Grade
A or similar substances (Flash point below 23oC or 73oF, ascertained
by an open test or any equal degree of accuracy).

Two) Liquefied inflammable gas vessels (L.P.G., L.N.G., or similar
Loaded or Ballast N.G.F. vessels).

Three) Vessels not fitted with double bottom carrying chemicals in bulk.

Four) Vessels carrying Radioactive substance Group 1.

Five) Vessels Carrying dangerous wastes.

(1) Subject to alteration according to Canal Developing Projects.

Six) Heavy lifters (semi-submersible) carrying heavy lift units with
tonnage exceeding the lifting capacity of their individual cranes.

Seven) Vessels carrying deck cargo protruding more than what is stated
in Art. 26 of these Rules.

Eight) Vessels over 90 000 tons SC.G.T.

Nine) Navy ships.

Contact Information

Address : Portsaid (Egypt)
Head Office El messagia Building #3 Memphis ST,

Tel: +20663323862

GWSA line : +201066557772

Email :